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情感心理学 学习分享会
销售心理学 两天工作坊
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心灵疗愈课 – 线上课程
财富能量密码 – 线上课程
导师班 – 国际认证催眠治疗师证书课程
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学生个人资料 Student Personal Information
全名 Full Name per IC
学员编号 Student ID
电话号码 Phone Number
电邮 Email
年龄 Age
18岁以上 Above age of 18
18岁以下 Under age of 18
出席详情 Attendance Details
选择课程 Choose the Course
开创新思维 3天工作坊
财富能量学 2天工作坊
唤醒之旅 年度修行
情感心理学 3天工作坊
销售心理学 两天工作坊
课程日期 Course Date - 开创新思维 3天工作坊 Make Your Own Success 3 Days Workshop
17/03/2023 - 19/03/2023
02/06/2023 - 04/06/2023
25/08/2023 - 27/08/2023
24/11/2023 - 26/11/2023
24/5/2024 - 26/5/2024
25/10/2024 - 9/12/2024
课程日期 Course Date - 财富能量学 2天工作坊 Art of Wealth Energy 2 Days Workshop
06/06/2023 - 07/06/2023
28/11/2023 - 29/11/2023
08/06/2024 - 09/06/2024
12/10/2024 - 13/10/2024
课程日期 Course Date - 唤醒之旅 年度修行 Awakening Retreat
13/12/2023 - 19/12/2023
02/07/2024 - 08/07/2024
03/12/2024 - 09/12/2024
课程日期 Course Date - 情感心理学 3天工作坊 The Psychology of Relationship 3 Days Workshop
15/03/2024 - 17/03/2024
27/09/2024 - 29/09/2024
课程日期 Course Date - 销售心理学 两天工作坊 The Art of Psychological Sales 2 Days Workshop
20/04/2024 - 21/04/2024
餐饮选择 Meal Preference
普通荤食 Normal
素食 Vegetarian
出席次数 Mode of Attendance
首次参与 New
复习 Revision
We require the contact information of your emergency contact for course record purposes. We will not contact your emergency contact unless necessary.
姓名 Name
电话号码 Phone Number
关系 Relationship
父亲 Father
母亲 Mother
兄弟姐妹 Sibling
伴侣 Spouse
朋友 Friends
健康申明书 Health Declaration Form
Health Declaration Form
Kindly read and understand this declaration statement prior to signing it. You must complete this health declaration form to subscribe our online course(s), workshop(s), program(s) and/or any other products, services and/or packages provided by Om Space (“the Courses”). If you are a minor, you must have this declaration signed by your parents or legal guardian.
The purpose of this Health Declaration is to ensure that you are medically fit to join any of our Courses. In any event that you were diagnosed physically and/or mentally unhealthy and/or unfit, it is advisable that you must seek medical assistance prior to participating the Courses and we shall request for a copy of the medical and/or specialist report prior to granting the permission for you to attend the Courses.
I hereby declare and agree that on the day of signing of this declaration:-
1. I am physically and/or mentally sound and/or fit to attend the Courses;
2. I have not taken up any hazardous occupation neither I have suffered any illness / disease requiring treatment for more than one (1) week;
3. I will declare my mental and physical health situation immediately to Om Space if any of my mental and physical health issues were diagnosed after signing of this Health declaration;
4. I will not cause any violence, trouble and/or any form of chaos during the participation of the Courses; and
5. I shall withdraw or Om Space shall be authorized to withdraw and/or stop my participation in the Courses immediately if I were diagnosed as physically and/or mentally unfit and I understand that all fees and/or payment paid by me or my parents or my legal guardian (as the case maybe) shall not be refundable.
I hereby understand and acknowledge that:-
1. In the event any unforeseeable situation or incident occurred during the Courses due to my unstable physical or mental state, I agree that Om Space has the right to refuse and/or deny my participation in the Courses;
2. Om Space will not and shall not guarantee any positive and success result from the Courses that I have attended and the result shall be depending on my own involvement, attitude, willingness to participate and other positive deeds that shall be maintained by myself during the participation during the Courses;
3. Om Space shall not be liable for any violence and/or trouble and/or chaos during the Courses that caused by unhealthy mental state of me and/or other participants.
I declare that the information provided herein above is accurate and to the best of my knowledge. I agree to accept any responsibility for any omissions in disclosing my existing or past physical and/or mental health conditions.
I further state that I have duly read and understand this Health Declaration Form and the consequences by accepting the same and agree to be bound by the terms herein.
是,我同意。 Yes, I am aware and agree.
签名 Signature
家长/监护人 签名(若学生是18岁以下)
Parents / Legal Guardians' Signature (if student is under the age of 18)
家长/监护人 姓名
Parents / Legal Guardians' Name
家长/监护人 身份证号码
Parents / Legal Guardians' IC/ID Number
家长/监护人 电话号码
Parents / Legal Guardians' Phone Number
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